Job for the Honest (Part II) – By Ricky

New Yorker Hotel, New York City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Young Faces at the New Yorker Hotel

English: Picking up where I left off last week, I ‘ll talk about my experiences with the college students and staff at the New Yorker hotel.

You know how you pick up someone’s idiosyncrasies when you spend a lot of time with them? Well hopefully being around young people makes you younger…

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Being in the company of younger people can really put you in a good mood, especially when you feel that time is passing and you are just getting older. Well that can become a little tricky as there are many beautiful young college women that live in the New Yorker dorms. With their elaborate wardrobes and European ways many of us guys at Busy Bee can quickly become love struck with one of these ladies. Except for Angelo of course, it seems he cannot be fooled, he doesn’t fall for any of those pretty faces. You know how it is…young people come from all over the world to study this language, they are full of energy, they are happy and they look at you like you are full of NYC knowledge and they want you to play host. OF course there are handsome men who also com here to study. Our Georgia is pretty too, but she doesn’t pay attention to anything except her work, as she works like a machine. She is a fervent worker and very responsible….and for that I commend her.

I remember a student of American philosophy He fell in love with the kitchen on the  16th Floor.  So I couldn’t resist and ask him if the kitchen is his lecture hall as he was always there in pajamas with his notes and computer.

I remember a lovely Italian businesswoman she was cooking pasta all the time and insisted that I accompany her for dinner. How nice it was to eat with a lovely woman and reminisce about the amazing time I spent in Italy.

I remember a Mexican aspiring movie director who was familiar with the works of the infamous Polish director Roman Polanski. He asked me where was our closest Catholic Church was because he needed to confess… I’m curious if NYC will change him.

A History student from Brazil always had a smile on her face. She tried to teach me a new dance in the kitchen on 9th floor.

A group of French students of fashion were eating coconut flake encrusted frog legs. “Want to try?” They asked me….”. Of course…because I love it. I tried this once in Poland.”

A Russian brunette woman studying tourism was surprised at how poor the décor in her room was, she was expecting more from NYC.

An antique lover, a German studying archaeology – very often was borrowing my vacuum for a few minutes. I wonder if she was dusting off some ancient relics in her room.

It’s nice to remember this place , but as you know I was quickly moved somewhere else….


Po Polsku: Mlode twarze – “kto z kim przestaje ,takim sie staje”- na pewno towarzystwo mlodych osob dobrze  wplywa na nasze usposobienie , zwlaszcza gdy czuje sie na karku stare lata jak ja . Z pewnoscia moze to byc w pewnym sensie niebezpieczne , bo tylez mlodych studentek i to w przeroznych kreacjach ,a  wiekszosc to Europejki, ze   nie- jednemu pracownikowi z busy bee moglyby zawrocic w glowie . No ,ale chyba Angelo daje rade! Zreszta wiecie jak to jest – przyjezdzaja mlodzi ludzi z calego swiata do Nowego Jorku , aby studiowac –  pelni energii , radosni i patrza na Ciebie jak na gospodarza tego kraju.Oczywiscie sa tam tez przystojni studenci , a Gorgia tez jest piekna , ale ona to chyba nie zwraca na nich uwagi , bo widzialem pracuje jak maszyna – podziwiam! –  ma zapal i jest odpowiedzialna.

Pamietam filozofa – Amerykanina , ktory pokochal kuchnie na 16-stym pietrze , ze az sie musialem zapytac czy to jest Jego sala wykladowa ,  widzac Go ciagle w pizamie z komputerem i stosem papierow

Urocza   business woman – Wloszka , ktora wlasnie gotowala makarony i koniecznie chciala , aby z nia zjadl lunch – jak milo zjesc makaronik z pociagajaca dziewczyna i powspominac mile chwile spedzone w Italii

Przyszly rezyser  – Meksykanin – nawet znal naszego Polanskiego i pytal mnie sie o najblizszy kosciol , aby skorzystac ze spowiedzi – ciekawe czy Nowy Jork Go zmieni?

Rozesmiana studentka historii – Brazylijka- koniecznie chciala mnie nauczyc jakiegos ich tanca w kuchni  na 9-tym pietrze

Grupka wielbicieli mody – Francuzi -studenci mody opiekajacy zabie udka z wiorkami kokosowymi. Czy sprobuje? Chetnie , bo lubie – juz kiedys smakowalem w Polsce

Brunetka studiujaca turystyke – Rosjanka – zaskoczona tak marnym wystrojem Jej pokoju oczekujaca czegos wiecej po Nowym Jorku

Zakochany w starociach archeolog- Niemiec – ktory czesto chcial pozyczyc odkurzacza na kilka minut

Milo wspominam to miejsce – no , ale jak wiecie szybko mnie przeniesli !

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